Program to limit Internet traffic on the computer X

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Modern programs to limit traffic are widely used by employers, with two objectives: controlling the time spent by their employees, and the security of corporate data from leakage or loss. With the help of special software it is possible to ensure that the staff does not visit foreign sites during the working day. At the same time, the task of protecting information against malicious programs is being solved by restricting access to organizations' local networks.

Currently, there are many tools that can handle traffic restriction different methods. The simplest ones allow real-time tracking of open applications and visited pages of individual employees manually. More complex systems are aimed at checking all data arriving on users' personal computers and leaving them, and notifying officials if necessary.

One of the programs to limit Internet traffic is X. This software combines the functions of efficient data accounting, monitoring of incoming and outgoing packets, generating reports and prompt notification, which makes it the most universal for different organizations. With the help of ICS, enterprise managers can quickly receive full and very detailed information about the activity of users of the corporate network in the most convenient form that can be configured individually.

With the help of ICS, enterprise managers can quickly receive full and very detailed information about the activity of users of the corporate network in the most convenient form that can be configured individually

Administrators can consider traffic on any device and set content filtering if desired. In IKS, the display of lists of visited resources with certain statistics and the list of the most active employees is available. Thus, X to limit Internet traffic on a computer allows you to solve many problems in the most optimal way.

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